TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 18 – “The Cissy”

Cartman calls Stan a Cissy in SOUTH PARK - Season 18 - "The Cissy" | ©2014 Comedy Central

Voices: Trey Parker, Matt Stone Writer-Director: Trey Parker Original Telecast: October 9, 2014 Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesdays As I suspected last week, SOUTH PARK is experimenting with something they haven’t done before (except for their clear cut multi-parters) – they are establishing continuity throughout Season 18. Usually, the show is very willy nilly when it comes to its weekly scenarios. Something happens one week, next week continuity has completely changed and it’s a whole other story with little reference to what has come before. However, this year, it’s all changed. The Season Premiere ramifications led into “Gluten Free Ebola” […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 18 – “Gluten Free Ebola”

Randy Marsh and Mr. Garrison in SOUTH PARK - Season 18 - "Gluten Free Ebola" | ©2014 Comedy Central

Voices: Trey Parker, Matt Stone Writer-Director: Trey Parker Original Telecast: October 1, 2014 Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesdays SOUTH PARK has a long history of having on and off weeks. Some times it’s just a matter of opinion – one person’s dislike is another person’s like. So while I absolutely loved the Season 18 debut “Go Fund Yourself,” I wasn’t too fond of this week’s uneven follow-up “Gluten Free Ebola.” While there was an occasional chuckle (the sight gag of a penis exploding out of someone’s pants and flying in the air because of eating Gluten was by far the […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 18 – “Go Fund Yourself” – Season Premiere

Kenny and Butters in SOUTH PARK - Season 18 - "Go Fund Yourself" | ©2014 Comedy Central

Stars (Voices): Trey Parker, Matt Stone Writer-Director: Trey Parker Original Telecast: September 24, 2014 Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesdays It’s been a very long wait, but SOUTH PARK is back for Season 18 and boy were Trey Parker and Matt Stone sorely needed. Their wit and knack for social satire is hard to live without for almost a full year (the series used get be split into two-seven episode seasons – one in the Spring, one in the Fall), but now it’s all in one big chunk and only ten episodes. However, when they hit it out of the so-called […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Obama Wins!” – Season Finale

Cartman in SOUTH PARK - Season 16 finale - "Obama Wins!" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: November 7, 2012 As SOUTH PARK winds down Season 16, the series hits a homerun with its season finale “Obama Wins!” Since this episode was pretty much done before the outcome of the Presidential election was announced, creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone could have been tempting fate with its proclamation and storyline of an Obama win or would have had to do an “alternate ending” of some sort if the Presidential election went in Mitt Romney’s direction. Regardless, “Obama Wins!” is one of the funniest […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “A Scause for Applause”

Stan in SOUTH PARK | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: October 31, 2012 After two strong weeks, SOUTH PARK heads back into iffy territory with “A Scause for Applause”, a failed attempt at dealing with the disgrace of Lance Armstrong for using performance enhancing drugs. In the SOUTH PARK version, everyone wearing “What Would Jesus Do” bracelets decides to cut them off when it’s discovered that Jesus used performance enhancement drugs to perform his miracles. This leads to a dilemma with Stan, who decides he’s not going to cut off his bracelet like everyone else – […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “A Nightmare on FaceTime”

Randy, Stan, Shelley and Sharon in SOUTH PARK - Season 16 - "A Nightmare on FaceTime" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: October 24, 2012 It’s been some time since SOUTH PARK has done a Halloween episode, but it was worth the wait as Trey Parker and Matt Stone come up with a new classic with “A Nightmare on Facetime.” Sending up THE SHINING, Blockbuster Video’s financial woes, The Avengers and our obsession with Apple products, there’s enough good will here to provide ample laughs and a great story to boot. When Stan’s dad Randy comes home and says the family is going to be rich because he […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Going Native”

Butters and Kenny in Hawaii in SOUTH PARK - Season 16 - "Going Native" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Butters gets some bad news from his parents in SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Going Native” | ©2012 Comedy Central Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: October 18, 2012 Often times SOUTH PARK tries so hard to be topical and “parody” things all the time, that you begin to expect parodies even when there is none. And sometimes, when they are sending something up – it can get quite obscure and then you feel like a complete idiot for not even getting the point of the episode. “Go Native” is one […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Insecurity”

Ike and Kyle thing the UPS man is having sex with their mom in SOUTH PARK - Season 16 - "Insecurity" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: October 10, 2012 Sadly SOUTH PARK seems to be struggling during the latter half of Season 16. Joining the awful “Sarastaball” is the latest episode “Insecurity” – a painfully unfunny exercise in randomness. I sense Trey Parker and Matt Stone are trying for some commentary on how fearful the nation has become since the Colorado shootings at THE DARK KNIGHT RISES screening, but it just doesn’t really work. Things kick off when Ike sees a UPS man having sex with his mom (what he doesn’t know […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Raising the Bar”

Cartman finds another loophole in society in SOUTH PARK - Seaosn 16 - "Raising the Bar" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: October 4, 2012 Thank you SOUTH PARK. After an awful return for the second half of Season 16 last week with “Sarcastaball,” the series is back on track with a hilarious and very meta episode called “Raising the Bar.” The episode concerns itself with society lowering the bar and standards when it comes to overweight people and watching trashy shows like HERE COMES HONEY BOO BOO. When Cartman accepts he’s fat, he loves that he can now ride around on his own motorized scooter – and […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Sarcastaball” – Premiere

Kenny, Butters, Kyle, Stan and Cartman in SOUTH PARK - Season 16 - "Sarcastaball" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: September 26, 2012 SOUTH PARK is back for the second half of Season 16, but sadly “Sarcastaball” is one of the weakest episodes of the season by far. Taking on the current topical subject of the NFL and the replacement referees that have been destroying the game, SOUTH PARK touches on things that have been mined to far better effect in other episodes and other seasons. When Randy finds out South Park Elementary is making school football “too safe”, he gets all sarcastic and starts suggesting […]Read On »

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