STAN AGAINST EVIL: Dana Gould and Janet Varney gives the scoop on Season 1 – Exclusive Interview

IFC’s STAN AGAINST EVIL, now available in its entirety on and IFC on Demand, comes from people who have impeccable genre credentials. Star Janet Varney, who plays Evie Barret,new sheriff in a town beset by monsters, is the voice of Korra in THE LEGEND OF KORRA and has guest-starred on WAREHOUSE 13, as well as being a regular on YOU’RE THE WORST. STAN AGAINST EVIL creator Dana Gould was a writer/producer on THE SIMPSONS. Furthermore, Varney is a big fan of the original TRON; Gould not only can quote verbatim from the original 1972 THE NIGHT STALKER telefilm, he […]Read On »