Movie Review: STRAIN 100

Rating: R Stars: Jemma Dallender, Matt Carriker, Alex Zedra, Hickok45, Tori Nonaka, Robert Forte Shannon III, Alexis Boozer Sterling, John C. Forman, John Manfredi, Keyna Reynolds, Erika Hoveland, Jacquie Floyd, Jack Welcher, Karina Martinez Writer: Todd Klick, story by Hassan Hussein & Keir Lee Director: Hassan Hussein Distributor: Uncork’d Entertainment Release Date: April 11, 2023 (digital) Somewhere in the universe of mathematical calculations, someone has figured out the exact number of zombie movies, the exact number of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, and the number of times that these will overlap. While there are very possibly other examples out there, STRAIN 100 […]Read On »