Movie Review: REMEMORY

Rating: PG-13 Stars: Peter Dinklage, Julia Ormond, Martin Donovan, Henry Ian Cusick, Anton Yelchin, Evelyne Brochu Writers: Mark Palansky & Mike Vukadinovich Director: Mark Palansky Distributor: Lionsgate Release Date: September 8 (theatrical), August 24 (VOD) REMEMORY revisits a versatile sci-fi premise: what if memories could be recorded and played back? Films as diverse as TOTAL RECALL and STRANGE DAYS have utilized this idea. In REMEMORY, scientist Gordon Dunn (Martin Donovan) has developed a device that does this, which he intends to use for therapy. However, there are some unintended side effects that make some of his test subjects very unhappy. […]Read On »