MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES: Creator Andrew Sodroski and Director Michael Dinner on Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES, now available in its ten-episode entirety on Spectrum on Demand, is the second season of MANHUNT. Both seasons dramatize FBI searches for serial bombers. In 2017’s Season 1, the subtitle was UNABOMBER and the subject was Theodore J. Kaczynski, played by Paul Bettany. MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES focuses on the mistaken investigation into Georgia security guard Richard Jewell (also dramatized in the recent film RICHARD JEWELL) for the bombing at the 1996 Olympics and the eventual, lengthy quest to capture the real bomber, Eric Rudolph. Andrew Sodroski originally created MANHUNT with former FBI agent Jim Clemente and Tony […]Read On »