THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 40th Anniversary Collector's Edition Blu-ray | ©2014 Dark Sky Films

Stars: Marilyn Burns, Edwin Neal, Gunnar Hansen Writer: Kim Henkel & Tobe Hooper Director: Tobe Hooper Suggested Retail Price: $49.98 Distributor: Dark Sky Films Time has been very good to 1974’s THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE. Not only has there been multiple, inferior sequels and remakes that have tried to supplant it with lesser results, but a whole new subgenre of horror movies was jump started due to this Tobe Hooper classic. That subgenre of course is the “kids in a van” movie. So many movies have used this template to the point of nauseum – kids take a detour […]Read On »


GODZILLA Highlights this week in Blu-ray, DVD and VOD Releases

GODZILLA | © 2014 Warner Home Video

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. Movies: GODZILLA – For all intents, this is the GODZILLA film that we have been wanting for many years. A good plot. A lot of military might. Two huge and terrible monsters. One huge and terrible defender of the Earth. Godzilla is a bad thing. For centuries, it […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BATTLE: LA director Jonathan Liebesman is combat ready

Director Jonathan Liebesman and Aaron Eckhart on the set of BATTLE: LA | ©2011 Sony

Director Jonathan Liebesman may have got his start working on the horror films DARKNESS FALLS and THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE BEGINNING, but he’s now moved up to the big budget action leagues with BATTLE: LA. The ambitious and impressive alien invasion flick follows a global alien attack, with Los Angeles being the last hope at victory as a ragtag platoon of marines try to figure out what these aliens are made of and what they want. ASSIGNMENT X recently spoke with Liebesman in this exclusive interview as he talks about filming the movie and teases about what he hopes […]Read On »

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