Movie Review: BIG MIRACLE

BIG MIRACLE movie poster | ©2012 Universal Pictures

Rating: PG Stars: Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski, Ted Danson, Amaogak Sweeney, John Pingayak, Kristen Bell, Dermot Mulroney, Vinessa Shaw, Kathy Baker, Tim Blake Nelson Writers: Jack Amiel & Michael Begler, based on the book FREEING THE WHALES by Thomas Rose Director: Ken Kwapis Distributor: Universal Pictures Release Date: February 3, 2012 A movie that is pretty much equally friendly to whales, whale hunters, Greenpeace and big oil sounds like a) something that can’t exist and b) would be pretty spineless if it did. Surprise – BIG MIRACLE, loosely based on an actual incident, manages to accomplish all of this and […]Read On »


CD Review: Thomas Dolby – A MAP OF THE FLOATING CITY

Thomas Dolby - THE MAP OF THE FLOATING CITY | ©2011 RedEye

Distributor: RedEye Suggested Retail Price: $14.36 Thomas Dolby may be best known for his 1982 pop hit “She Blinded My With Science,” but anyone who has dug deeper into his catalog has discovered a wealth of wonderfully eclectic and cleverly constructed tracks. I’ll always had a place in my heart for “My Brain is Like A Sieve” from his 1988 release ALIENS ATE MY BUICK and it always reminds me there was more going on with this artist than he was given credit for. However, his studio output has been few and far between, with his last official release being […]Read On »

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