TV Review: CHUCK – Season 4 – “Vs. The A-Team”

Stars: Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, Adam Baldwin, Joshua Gomez, Vic Sahay, Scott Krinsky, Sarah Lancaster, Ryan McPartlin, Mark Christopher Lawrence, Bonita Friedericy Writers: Phil Klemmer Director: Kevin Mock Network: NBC, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: March 14, 2011 Even though CHUCK has been primarily focused on the search for Chuck’s mom (which he found) and villainous Volkoff (Timothy Dalton), Season 4 also set up a rather strange series of guest spots this year with various CIA agents working at the Buy More named Greta. Summer Glau, Stacy Kiebler and Isaiah Mustafa have all played Greta at some point. And with […]Read On »