
Exclusive Interview: Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly on WAREHOUSE 13 Season 4 – Part 1

Joanne Kelly and Eddie McClintock in WAREHOUSE 13 - Season 4 - "We All Fall Down" | ©2013 Syfy/Steve Wilkie

WAREHOUSE 13 returns Monday April 29 at 10 PM for the second half of its fourth season. The title location is the thirteenth warehouse, a repository of artifacts with hidden powers, many of which could cause an apocalypse in the hands of the wrong person. Case in point: the innocuous-looking flower that has unleashed a worldwide pandemic that will start killing people within the day unless our heroes can find another artifact to stop the plague. The current warehouse falls under the purview of the U.S. Secret Service. Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly star, respectively, as Warehouse Agents Pete Lattimer […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Michaela Conlin talks BONES Season 8 and Season 9

Michaela Conlin in BONES - Season 8 | ©2013 Fox/Justin Stephens

Michaela Conlin has spent eight years on BONES, currently airing on Fox Monday nights at 8 PM, as artist/facial reconstruction specialist Angela Montenegro. Angela is now married to TJ Thyne’s character entomologist Dr. Jack Hodgins and, as of Season 6, mother of little Michael Vincent Hodgins. At a party thrown by Fox for the Television Critics Association, Conlin and her BONES colleagues are celebrating the official announcement of the series’ pickup for a ninth season. The actress takes time to talk about playing Angela. ASSIGNMENT X: Congratulations on the Season 9 pickup. Did you have to think about, “Do I want […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 8 – “The Maiden in the Mushrooms”

Gina Hecht in BONES - Season 8 - "The Maiden in the Mushrooms" | ©2013 Fox/Ray Mickshaw

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Luke Kleintank, Gina Hecht, Jason Gerhardt, Alison Scagliotti, David Petruzzi, Yelyna DeLeon, Danielle Harris, Jeff Howard, Kim Hidalgo, Susan Feniger Writer: Lyla Oliver, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Jeannot Szwarc Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: April 3, 2013 The main storyline in the BONES episode “The Maiden in the Mushrooms” concerns a corpse that turns out to be the earthly remains of young producer Rebecca (Danielle Harris) on a “reality” show called “Citizen’s Court.” […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BONES executive producer Stephen Nathan teases Season 9 and more

Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz in BONES - Season 8 | ©2012 Fox/Brian Bowen Smith

BONES, now in its eight season on Fox, Monday nights at 8 PM, announced its Season 9 pickup very early – January, in fact (most shows wait until the May upfronts). The series, developed by executive producer/show runner Hart Hanson from Kathy Reichs’ life and novels, follows the adventures in murder-solving and romance of FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) and forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan (Emily Deschanel), now partners in parenting their daughter, as well as work colleagues and lovers. Stephen Nathan, who executive-produces and show-runs BONES alongside Hanson, took time at a party thrown by Fox […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 8 – “The Blood from the Stones”

Curtis Armstrong in BONES - Season 8 - 'The Blood From the Stones' | ©2013 Fox/Patrick McElhenney

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Patricia Belcher, Eugene Byrd, Dave Thomas, Sherman Augustus, Erin Cardillo, Khleo Thomas, Abbie Cobb, Curtis Armstrong Writer: Pat Charles, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Francois Velle Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: March 25, 2013 The BONES episode “The Blood from the Stones” contains something almost as rare on TV – a non-svelte middle-aged woman, in this case the show’s very own Deputy District Attorney Caroline Julian (Patricia Belcher), engaging in a serious sexual flirtation […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 8 – “The Doom in the Gloom”

Emily Deschanel in BONES - Season 8 - "The Doom in the Gloom" | ©2013 Fox/Adam Taylor

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Carla Gallo, Gloria Garayua, JD Walsh, Rona Benson, Wilmer Calderon, Joseph Williamson Writers: Sanford Golden & Karen Wyscarver, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Kate Woods Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: March 18, 2013 The idea of murder within a survivalist group has a lot of potential, but it’s largely squandered in the BONES episode “The Doom in the Gloom.” It’s almost as though the creative team was afraid of giving offense, despite the fact […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 8 – “The Survivor in the Soap”

Emily Deschanel in BONES - Season 8 - "The Survivor in the Soap" | ©2013 Fox/Patrick McElhenney

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Pej Vahdat, Danny Woodburn, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine, Kareen Grimes, Adam Kulbersh, Annie Fitzgerald Writer: Nkechi Okoro Carroll, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Tim Southam Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: March 4, 2013 The title of the BONES episode “The Survivor in the Soap” is a trifle contradictory, since the body in the soap has stopped surviving before the story proper starts. Otherwise, this is one of BONES’ better issue-oriented segments, tying the mystery […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 8 – “The Fact in the Fiction”

David Boreanaz and Emily Deschenal in BONES - Season 8 - "The Fact in the Fiction" | ©2013 Fox/Patrick McElhenney

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Brian Klugman, Maurice Compte, Kevin Binley, Ken Weiler, Amanda Jane Cooper, Tony Pasqualini Writer: Keith Foglesong, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Dwight Little Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: February 25, 2013 On BONES, it is a given that our heroine Brennan (Emily Deschanel) will always be the smartest person in the room. However, she gets a run for her reputation in “The Fact in the Fiction,” withCam (Tamara Taylor) hiring the impressively qualified Dr. […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BONES guest star Pej Vahdat on Season 8 and more – Part 2

Emily Deschanel and Pej Vahdat in BONES - Season 6 - "The Signs in the Silence" | ©2011 Fox/Adam Taylor

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with Pej Vahdat, who plays Arastoo Viziri on BONES, the actor talks about his life before acting, his work on SHAMELESS and the recent BONES episode “The Patriot in Purgatory.” AX: Did you always want to be an actor? PEJ VAHDAT: Actually, I played professional tennis before I was an actor. I played in the junior circuit, I played for theU.S. on the junior circuit, I played in college, and then I turned pro my junior year in college, and then after summer on the tour, I just wasn’t very happy and I […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 8 – “The Friend in Need”

Emily Deschanel in BONES - Season 8 - "The Friend in Need" | ©2013 Fox/John Johnson

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Luke Kleintank, Tiffany Hines, Ever Carradine, Lizze Broadway, Nick Thurston, Aaron Jennings, Victoria Platt, Dake E. Turner, Stephen DuVall Writer: Dean Lopata, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Jeffrey Walker Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: February 18, 2013 As with the recent BONES episode “The Doll in the Derby,” “The Friend in Need” has a worthy message. This time it’s better situated within the main storyline, though the matter is so serious that it seems […]Read On »

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