TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 7 – “The Mentalists”

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Dorian Brown, Johnny Sneed, Rukiya Bernard Writers: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Mike Rohl Network: The CW, Fridays @ 9 PM Original Telecast: November 4, 2011 Time for a little shout-out to the Los Angeles theatre scene. THE THRILLING ADVENTURE HOUR (aka THE THRILLING ADVENTURE AND SUPERNATURAL SUSPENSE HOUR) is a stage parody of ‘40s radio series that has been running once a month for years now, lately at Largo at the Coronet on La Cienega. One of THRILLING’s staples is “Beyond Belief,” a send-up of THE THIN MAN […]Read On »