AMERICAN IDOL Season 11 recap: Colton Dixon Wows, Phillip Phillips Mixes it Up Nicely

Cast: Ryan Seacrest, Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson Network: Fox, airs Wednesdays and Thursdays @ 8 p.m. Original Telecast: April 4, 2012 How do you find the strength to carry on when your friends leave on the world’s greatest karaoke competition, AMERICAN IDOL? That was the sanctimonious and oddly-phrased question put before us at the beginning of this episode of IDOL. Wait a minute, this is a freaking reality show, right? Aren’t these fools competing against one another? Shouldn’t they be freaking damn happy it ain’t them? I know Elise Testone and Hollie Cavanaugh are thinking it despite how […]Read On »