Exclusive Interview: DA VINCI’S DEMONS creator David S. Goyer on Season 2

DA VINCI’S DEMONS, on Starz Saturdays at 9 PM, begins its second season March 22 pretty much where Season 1 left off. We’re in late fifteenth-centuryFlorence, and artist/inventor/all-round genius Leonardo Da Vinci (Tom Riley) has incensed the city’s ruler, Lorenzo de Medici (Elliot Cowan) by having an affair with Lorenzo’s mistress,Vatican spy Lucrezia Donati (Laura Haddock). Although Leonardo and Lorenzo are locked in combat, they actually have bigger problems, as the forces of Pope Sixtus (James Faulkner), led by the Pope’s relative Count Girolamo Riario (Blake Ritson) and the ambitious Francesco Pazzi (Elliot Levey), are battling Medici’s men in the […]Read On »