GOTHAM: Erin Richards on the final season and her directorial debut – Exclusive Interview

Erin Richards as Barbara Kean in GOTHAM - Season 5 | ©2019 Fox/Justin Stephens

In GOTHAM’s fifth and final season, Episode 9, “The Trial of Jim Gordon,” airing Thursday March 7 on Fox, is a special one for series regular Erin Richards. This is not so much because something major happens for Richards’s character, the volatile Barbara Kean, although that’s entirely possible. After all, Barbara has gone from being the girlfriend of Detective Gordon (Ben McKenzie) to psychotic serial killer to gang leader to ambivalent warrior who is pregnant by Gordon, courtesy of a one-afternoon-stand reunion. Barbara has major turns on a regular basis. However, the reason that GOTHAM Season 5 Episode 9 really […]Read On »

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