TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 13 – “The Big Empty”

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Alexander Calvert, Misha Collins, Courtney Ford, Rukiya Bernard, Niall Matter Writer: Meredith Glynn, series created by Eric Kripke Director: John Badham Network: The CW, Thursdays @ 8 PM Original Airdate: November 2, 2017 You learn something new almost every day, or in the case of SUPERNATURAL, almost every episode. In the case of Season 13 Episode 4’s “The Big Empty,” it’s where angels and demons go when they die. Castiel (Misha Collins) is wandering around this, well, big empty space, trying to find somebody, and eventually wakes up the Entity running the joint. The Entity […]Read On »