TV Review: HELL ON WHEELS – Season 2 – “Blood Moon” and “Blood Moon Rising” – Season Finale

Dominique McElligott is Lily Bell in HELL ON WHEELS - Season 2 finale - "Blood Moon Rising" | ©2012 AMC/Chris Large

Stars: Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common, Dominique McElligott, Tom Noonan, Christopher Heyerdahl Writer:  Part 1- Mark Richard & Jamie O’Brien, Part 2- John Shiban   Director: Part 1- Terry McDonough,, Part 2-John Shiban         Network: AMC, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: October 7, 2012 There are game changers and then there are season finales that level the playing field. HELL ON WHEELS in its two-hour finale of “Blood Moon” and “Blood Moon Rising” is establishing that no one on this series is safe except perhaps Bohannan (Anson Mount), since the series is from his perspective for the most part. Besides him, anyone […]Read On »


TV Review: HELL ON WHEELS – Season 2 – “The White Spirit”

Anson Mount in HELL ON WHEELS - Season 2 - "The White Spirit" | ©2012 AMC/Chris Large

Stars: Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common, Dominique McElligott, Tom Noonan, Christopher Heyerdahl Writer:  Jami O’Brien & Bruce Marshall Romans    Director: David Von Ancken        Network: AMC, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: September 23, 2012 Last week I ranted about the shiftiness of the Swede (Christopher Heyerdahl) and his many plans and machinations for the people of HELL ON WHEELS. This time in “The White Spirit” he goes even further over the line, and I shudder to think what ramifications there are for all of his actions in this episode. Of course this episode does make a few things clear […]Read On »


TV Review: HELL ON WHEELS – Season 2 – “Purged Away with Blood”

Christopher Heyerdahl and Tom Noonan in HELL ON WHEELS - Season 2 - "Purged Away With Blood" | ©2012 AMC/Chris Large

Stars: Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common, Dominique McElligott, Tom Noonan, Christopher Heyerdahl Writer:  Tony Gayton & Thomas Brady  Director: Joe Gayton       Network: AMC, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: September 16, 2012 HELL ON WHEELS is a tough show to watch sometimes. Not because of bad writing or anything negative, but because the subject matter is so visceral and harsh that it takes a bit to sit and watch it through to the terminus point. A perfect example of that for me is last episode when they were digging the bullet out of Durant (Colm Meaney). I’m weird. I can handle […]Read On »

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