Exclusive Interview: ALMOST HUMAN star Michael Irby on getting his jerk on

In ALMOST HUMAN the new futuristic science-fiction series from creators J.H. “Joel” Wyman and J.J. Abrams, Mondays at 8 PM on Fox, most of police detective John Kennex’s (Karl Urban) colleagues like and respect him. Kennex’s android partner Dorian (Michael Ealy) tries to improve their relationship, Kennex’s Captain Maldonado sometimes lets him overrule her and scientist/engineer Rudy Lom (Mackenzie Crook) is always willing to help. However, Michael Irby’s character, Detective Richard Paul, doesn’t really understand why everybody else thinks Kennex is so great. Irby, born in Palm Springs, California, has plenty of cop/FBI/military film and TV experience – he had […]Read On »