Exclusive Interview: Kiefer Sutherland talks TOUCH and 24 movie

Kiefer Sutherland in TOUCH - Season 1 | ©2012 Fox/Brian Bowen Smith

Fox’s new series TOUCH brings star Kiefer Sutherland back to the network after his eight seasons there as the iconic Jack Bauer on 24. Fighting terrorists is not in this show’s vocabulary – instead it’s a show that centers on a father and child, but has an unusual twist. Created by Tim King (HEROES), TOUCH  features Sutherland as widower Martin Bohm wants desperately to understand his eleven-year-old son Jake, played by David Mazouz, who speaks to the audience in voiceover, but has never communicated verbally with anyone in his entire life. As Martin discovers in the first episode, Jake is […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: HOMELAND creators Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa talk Season 1

Damian Lewis and Claire Danes in HOMELAND - Season 1 | ©2011 Showtime

Showtime’s HOMELAND has just been nominated for a batch of Golden Globe Awards, including Drama Series, leading actress Claire Danes and leading actor Damian Lewis. Small wonder – the series, based on an Israeli drama called HATUFIM, has kept audiences riveted as Danes’ dedicated but unstable CIA agent Carrie Mathison tries to prove that Lewis’ former POW war hero Nicholas Brody has been turned by his captors and is planning a terrorist act on U.S. soil. HOMELAND executive producers Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa, who adapted the material for American television, aren’t exactly novices when it comes to making shows […]Read On »



24 - SEASON 8 - THE COMPLETE FINAL SEASON DVD | ©2010 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Day Eight proved to be the final day for 24 the TV series as the real-time series (chronicling a major U.S. crisis in a 24-hour period) waved goodbye in the same aggressive manner in which it began.

Kiefer Sutherland toplined the series as former Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) agent Jack Bauer. Over the course of eight seasons he lost so many of his loved ones, so much of his mind and soul and of course his privacy, he was a man without a country – a man without a home.


Exclusive Interview: 24’s Howard Gordon reveals the scoop on the 24 movie (it’s on hold) and talks about his novel GIDEON’S WAR arriving in January – Part 2

Kiefer Sutherland in 24 - Season Eight | ©2010 Fox

It took eight seasons (and one made-for-TV movie) for time to run out for Fox’s venerable and ground-breaking action series 24 which starred Kiefer Sutherland as the tragic anti-hero Jack Bauer. The show took one day, in the life of the sometimes counter-terrorist agent Bauer and dealt with the ups and downs of a major attack on U.S. soil like clockwork every season. The real time conceit was the hook, but it was Sutherland and crackerjack storytelling that kept viewers hooked year after year. With 24 – Season Eight and 24: THE COMPLETE SERIES hitting DVD this week, ASSIGNMENT X […]Read On »

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