Movie Review: MARGARET

Rating: R Stars: Anna Paquin, J. Smith-Cameron, Mark Ruffalo, Jeannie Berlin, Matt Damon, Jean Reno, Matthew Broderick, Kieran Culkin, Hina Abdullah, Allison Janney, Jonathan Hadary Writer: Kenneth Lonergan Director: Kenneth Lonergan Distributor: Fox Searchlight Release Date: September 30, 2011 Seventeen-year-olds tend to act without thinking often. But what if an action may have catastrophic, irrevocable consequences? How to take responsibility for this without wrecking the lives of everyone in sight? This is a tough issue even for adults – for high school student Lisa Cohen (Anna Paquin), it’s practically unbearable. In MARGARET, the trouble starts when Lisa, a Manhattan dweller, […]Read On »