MR MERCEDES: Actress Breeda Wool on Stephen King series – Exclusive Interview

Breeda Woll in MR. MERCEDES - Season 1 | in MR. MERCEDES - Season 1 | ©2017 AT&T Audience Network

In AT&T Audience Network’s Wednesday-night drama MR MERCEDES, based on Stephen King’s novel, no one has yet figured out that Brady Hartsfield (Harry Treadaway) is actually a mass murderer. Certainly Breeda Wool’s character, Lou Linklatter, has no clue about her coworker at the suburban Supreme Electronix store. In fact, Brady is the rare friendly face in a work environment where the boss (Robert Stanton) tolerates extreme homophobia toward  Lou, a lesbian computer tech specialist. Wool was a regular on UNREAL as Faith Duluth, and got her own ten-episode spin-off, THE FAITH DIARIES. This season, the actress has also had guest […]Read On »

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