TV Review: BONES – Season 9 – “The Cold in the Case”

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley, Pej Vahdat, Shohreh Agdashloo, Chris McGarry, Kate Orsini, Braeden Marcott, Myk Watford, David Dean Bottrell Writer: Emily Silver, series created by Hart Hanson, based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs Director: Milan Cheylov Network: Fox, Mondays @ 8 PM Airdate: April 14, 2014 There’s a lot going on in the BONES episode “The Cold in the Case,” starting with the twist that provides the title. When the remains of a young woman are found and entomologist Hodgins (TJ Thyne) sees insect activity that indicate […]Read On »