
Comics Vs. Movies: Beast of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS – Things You Need to Know

Nicholas Hoult is Beast in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS | ©2011 20th Century Fox

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS is now in theaters! Many of you might read this series of editorials before you see the movie, and some after, but be warned there are some spoilerish elements in play. Basically, our idea was to create a series of character guides to the main players of FIRST CLASS, to give people a bit of a working knowledge of where the characters in the movie have their comic book origins, and how those origins compare to their big screen counterparts. This is a taste of the comics for those who haven’t spent their lives reading and archiving […]Read On »


Comics Vs. Movies: Mystique of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS – Things You Need to Know

Jennifer Lawrence in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS | ©2011 20th Century Fox

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS is now in theatres! Many of you might read this series of editorials before you see the movie, and some after, but be warned there are some spoilerish elements in play. Basically, our idea was to create a series of character guides to the main players of FIRST CLASS, to give people a bit of a working knowledge of where the characters in the movie have their comic book origins, and how those origins compare to their big screen counterparts. This is a taste of the comics for those who haven’t spent their lives reading and archiving […]Read On »


Comics Vs. Movies: Magneto of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS – Things You Need to Know

Michael Fassbender in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS | ©2011 20th Century Fox

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS is now in theatres! Many of you might read this series of editorials before you see the movie, and some after, but be warned there are some spoilerish elements in play. Basically, our idea was to create a series of character guides to the main players of FIRST CLASS, to give people a bit of a working knowledge of where the characters in the movie have their comic book origins, and how those origins compare to their big screen counterparts. This is a taste of the comics for those who haven’t spent their lives reading and archiving […]Read On »


Comics Vs. Movies: Professor X of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS – Things You Need to Know

James McAvoy in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS | ©2011 20th Century Fox

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS is now in theatres! Many of you might read this series of editorials before you see the movie, and some after, but be warned there are some spoilerish elements in play. Basically, our idea was to create a series of character guides to the main players of FIRST CLASS, to give people a bit of a working knowledge of where the characters in the movie have their comic book origins, and how those origins compare to their big screen counterparts. This is a taste of the comics for those who haven’t spent their lives reading and archiving […]Read On »


The Dork Side: Live Nude Girls – Blake Lively edition

Blake Lively in GOSSIP GIRL - Season 4 - "It-Girl Happened One Night" | ©2011 The CW/Giovanni Rufino

Why do celebrities keep taking naked photos of themselves? They know they are going to get leaked on to the Internet, right? Considering how many celebrities’ naked photos and sex tapes have been “leaked,” why even risk it? “Yes, I know it happens to celebrities all the time, but it won’t happen to me [click].” I don’t take naked photos of myself for fear that they would be leaked on to the Internet, and I’m not famous, and no one wants to see me naked. If someone other than my husband wants to see me naked then they are going […]Read On »


TRUE BLOOD: THE COMPLETE THIRD SEASON is one of the Blu-ray and DVD picks this week

TRUE BLOOD SEASON 2 | © 2011 HBO Home Video

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. MOVIES DRIVE ANGRY – While not for the intellectual types that think everything must hinge on reality and have a definitive concrete storyline, DRIVE ANGRY is actually quite fun and Nicolas Cage is at his crazy best as a dude that escapes hell in order to save his […]Read On »


The Dork Side: Kim Kardashian is engaged – will the wedding will be televised?

Kim Kardashian in KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS | ©2011 E!

I hope you are enjoying your three-day weekend. I know I’m enjoying mine. With all the regular TV season pretty much wrapped up I actually have time to see my friends and family. I was thinking about seeing THE HANGOVER II this weekend, but then I realized that I don’t hate myself. Let’s get on with this week’s Dork Side: In a match made in E! heaven, Kim Kardashian is engaged to NBA player Kris Humphries. Everyone is wondering how long the marriage will last. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess six to eight episodes. In […]Read On »


The X List: The Five Best DOCTOR WHO Doppelgangers

Tom Baker in DOCTOR WHO - Season Eighteen - "Meglos" | ©1980 BBC

Viewers that sat down to watch last Saturday’s new episode of DOCTOR WHO, “The Rebel Flesh,” might have been shocked when the final frames revealed a clone Doctor spouting his usual rapid-fire dialogue from behind an Odo-like mass of featureless flesh. On the other hand, since it was a story all about clones (or Gangers), how likely was it that we weren’t going to get a double Doctor? This isn’t the first time we’ve met a twin of the Time Lord. In fact, it’s happened quite a few times over the years, with everything from robot and android doubles in […]Read On »


Ten Reasons Why Lauren Alaina will win AMERICAN IDOL – Season 10

Lauren Alaina in AMERICAN IDOL: TOP 24 | ©2011 Fox/Michael Becker

At this point, the AMERICAN IDOL race comes down to two country singers – Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina. They’ve beaten all the odds and are now the Final Two (despite people shocked that frontrunners Casey Abrams, James Durbin didn’t make it – and of course Haley Reinhart missing the coveted Top Two as well). So now it comes down to who is in it, to win it (Randy Jackson’s catchphrase this season) and tonight, Lauren has to step up her game, shake her usually rattled nerves and show the world why she should be the next Carrie Underwood. Here […]Read On »


Ten Reasons Why Scotty McCreery will win AMERICAN IDOL – Season 10

Scotty McCreery on AMERICAN IDOL - Season 10 | ©2011 Fox/Frank Micelotta

At this point, the AMERICAN IDOL race comes down to two country singers – Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina. They’ve beaten all the odds and are now the Final Two (despite people shocked that frontrunners Casey Abrams, James Durbin didn’t make it – and of course Haley Reinhart missing the coveted Top Two as well). So now it comes down to who is in it, to win it (Randy Jackson’s catchphrase this season) and tonight, it’s really Scott’s game to lose. Here are the ten reasons why Scotty will succeed in being America’s first male country IDOL. 1) That deep […]Read On »

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